UKAS Calibrations
At Guymark we have attained UKAS accreditation for the calibration of audiometers, so you know you can rely on us to calibrate your equipment to the highest standard.
We ensure that all our test and measurement equipment complies with recognised industry standards and the results we achieve are traceable, through certification provided by the National Physical Laboratory, to national and international standards. Monthly secondary referencing ensures continuing confidence of measurements.
Guymark is a UKAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory – No. 4006.
For further information email our technical manager or call 01384 890601.
Calibration Contracts
We offer three and five year calibration contracts either at your premises or for items returned to our laboratory. You can have a contract for a single item or a whole department.
A contract means you get a fixed price for the three or five years – with a quantity discount based on the number of instruments being calibrated. We will remind you when your calibrations are due and offer ‘guaranteed service dates’ – where we allocate your service time for the term of your contract.
Once your calibrations have been completed you will receive copies of the calibration certificates and service reports. Our reports will also detail any recommendations for repair or replacement of the equipment as necessary.
Should you need any replacement equipment during the term of your contract we offer a 3% discount on new equipment purchased from us if you have three year contract or 5% if you have a five year contract – making Guymark even better value for money!
For further information email or call 01384 890606.